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تشرح نده ساتل شوې. مخکې لاړ شه؟
Liwal Digital School provides tuition free schooling, we need your support, sponsorships and donations for the school affairs, educational content and teaching materials development. Also, some students don't have internet access, we provide the educational content of the relevant class in memory cards or copy them to their smart phones or computers. Some students are very poor and cannot afford to buy a memory card or smart phone. To provide educational content to poor people without internet, we welcome your cash donations, old mobile, old computer or old memory card, or external hard disk donation.

In the School, with the technical and financial assistance of Mr. Noor Rahman Liwal and family, Liwal companies and Liwal Foundation, the following are achieved, providing free schooling to thousands of students:

1- School website, creation, hosting and updating
2- Online students and teachers registration system
3- Learning Management System for classes, subjects, lessons and homework hosting in Pashto, Dari and English languages online website and offline android app, Windows and Linux operating devices.
4- Digital Teaching Content containing books of Ministry of Education and Liwal curriculum for K-12 grade are uploaded on the teaching platform. 25% or more of the lesson are supported by teaching videos and video preparation for the rest are under-work.

Loan, support, sponsorship and donations are needed for the following activities:

1- Many students, especially females, are enrolling in higher classes whose school documents need to be verified. Liwal Digital School currently has very limited resources in Kabul only to verify documents, this needs to be increased in Kabul and first phase expanded to big cities such as Ghor, Khost, Herat, Mazar, Kandahar and Nangarhar and in the second phase, school need appointment of representative for student registration, document verification and copying of teaching content in each province.
2- Proctoring platform for individual testing, creation of a bank of questions and answers, a quiz for each lesson and final exam for each subject is required.
3- Special test centers with the adequate internet access is currently available in Kabul only. In the first phase, establishment of test centers in big cities of Ghor, Khost, Herat, Mazar, Kandahar and Nangarhar are required and in the second phase each provincial center should have one.

About, 20 million Afghani are needed to accomplish the above activities. For which, we need financial help and volunteers, as well as, we welcome interest-free loans that can be paid back with a tenure of10 years. As soon as Liwal Digital School receives the funds, within a year, more than 1 million students will receive free education in their home in Afghanistan and worldwide.

In second year, Liwal Digital School will generate approximately one billion Afghani through enrollment and exam fees and will be able to pay off the loan after two years.

The school promises to provide tuition free education forever but in order to be self-sustainable, the school will charge very little fees for registration, exams and certificates. The philosophy behind charging of registration, exam and certificate fees is to avoid abuse of registration, exam and certification system. For support, sponsorships and donations, contact us.
Liwal Digital School
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تشرح نده ساتل شوې. مخکې لاړ شه؟
Unit Type
Admission Assistant
2450000 AFN
Proctor Assistant
140000 AFN
Test Centers
2210000 AFN
4800000 AFN

Liwal Distance School, Lek Workbook A4 Pashto
Price: 20.00 USD

Total USD
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