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تشرح نده ساتل شوې. مخکې لاړ شه؟
History, Awards, Impact & Recognition.
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Liwal Digital School Timeline

History, Awards, Impact & Recognition.
To see related videos and pictures, Click on preferred year slot.

  • 1999 Liwal printed first color teaching materials for Afghan Kids

    َWe printed the first colorful teaching materials like Alphabet Charts, Digits and Alphabet reusable tracing paper boards and Pashto workbook.

    See a 1999 comparison of Liwal curriculum and others in the picture.

    Also in order to ensure wider access to literacy and numeracy to the general public the lessons of the the first colorful form of books, charts, and paperwork in the Pashto language were made available for use in computer, broadcasted through radio and television and as self-thought contents were initiated.

  • 2009 Attempt to cooperate with the MOE

    Unmatched efforts to cooperate with the Ministry of Education. Cartoon scientists in collaboration with the Ministry of Education in learning have devised an artwork. Click here to see.

  • 2010 Launch of Pashto TV channel

    After failed efforts to receive the cooperation of the radio and television in public and private sectors. In 2010 for Liwal Distance School, The beginning of the Pashto TV channel by Mr. Noor Rahman Liwal was set in place.

  • 2011 Best e-education and Learning Award

    Liwal Distance School win Manthan Special Award in India for broadcasting e-education and learning via Pashto TV in south Asia.

  • 2012 Gulf News Xpress

    Gulf Newspaper publishes that school broadcasted through Pashto TV is a revolutionary initiative in learning. 'Classroom of the future could be missing one important element the teacher. One Company is taking that revolution further by doing away with schools, classrooms, and teachers, Afghanistan based Pashto TV beams lesson straight to your TV."

  • Pashto TV and Liwal Distance School, received Eutelsat Special Award, 2012

    Pashto TV and Liwal Distance School, received Eutelsat Special Award, 2012. The award ceremony was venice, italy, 2012. The award was received by Mr. Noor Rahman Liwal, Founder Liwal Distance School and president Pashto TV.

  • 2015 Liwal Self-learning e-curriculum adopted by private school

    The Liwal Self-learning e-curriculum from KG to grad three are fully developed with books and workbooks, multimedia teaching contents, for web, smart phones, TV and Radio broadcasting is adopted by private schools in Afghanistan.

  • 2016 Liwal curriculum initiated in public schools

    Ministry of Education reported (6000 students in 4 schools) Liwal workbooks used as textbooks Shaheed Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan High School, 1 - 3 Class Mir Ghulam Mohammad Ghobar School, 1-3 class Abu Qassem Firdosi, 1-3 class Nahid Shaheed School, 1-3 class

  • 2017 Liwal curriculum expanded initiation in public schools

    In two provinces Kandahar and Nangarhar, reaching an estimated 8,000 students (5,000 in Nangarhar and 3,000 in Kandahar) in 8 selected schools (4 in each province). Training was provided to 173 teachers and 35 school administrators on how to use the provided technology to implement this project.

    Furthermore, 2,700 applications were distributed to parents to encourage reading at home. The great majority of project stakeholders were aware of the innovative teaching materials (100% of Provincial MoE staff, 86% of teachers and 87% of parents).

  • ٢٣ اکټوبر ٢٠٢٢، وړکتون څخه تر١٢ ټولګي، وړيا ښوونځي لپاره د همغږۍ غږ

    د خوشالۍ زېرى درکوو چې موږ ډېر ژر لېوال دليرې ښوونځى له وړکتون څخه تر١٢ ټولګي د انټرنټ له لارې پليکه اوهم پرته له انټرنټ څخه په پرانيستي ډول پيل کوو چې هرچاته په هرځاى کې خو په ځانګړي ډول شپږم ټولګي څخه پورته نجونو لپاره په کوردننه وړيا ښوونځى برابروي.

    ښوونځى د پوهنې وزارت او لېوال ښووندود يا نصاب کاروي. د لوستيا يا سواد دغه ملي او علمي چوپړ لپاره موږ ستاسې هرډول همغږۍ، همکارۍ، ملګرتيا او ملاتړ ته اړتيا لرو. په ځانګړې ډول هغه نوښتګر ملګرتيا ته رابولو چې د پوهنې وزارت کتابونو ښودولو لپاره يې ويډيويي، غږيز او نور ډيجټل ښوونيز توکي جوړ کړي يا جوړول غواړي چې خپلځاني زدکړو کې مرسته کوي. ستاسې ښوونيز توکي ښوونځي سره شريکول به په نړيواله کچه هغوى لپاره چې ښوونځي ته نشي تلاى، ښوونځى دوى ته وروړي.
    ښوونځى ستاسې غوره ښوونيز توکي د ويبځاى (ويبسايټ) او پوستغالي( اپليکيشن) په مرسته د انټرنټ، څيرک ټيليپون او کمپيوټر له لارې د خپلځاني زدکړو لپاره ستاسې په خوښه خپروي. دغه خپرولو سره به ستاسې ستاينه او ملاتړ وشي او هم به هرځاى کې هېوادوالو لپاره په بيړه ښوونځي زدکړې اسانه شي.

    له تېرو دوه لسيزو څخه موږ دليرې څخه او پرانيستو زدکړو دودولو او قانوني کولو لپاره هلځلې کوو. دليرې څخه زدکړې د لوستي افغانستان لپاره حل ګڼو، هيله ده، خپلو نوښتيزو توکو، غوره اندونو، وړانديزونو، کړنلارو شريکولو او دغه تاريخي اشر کې مرسته او همکاري لپاره راسره ملګري شئ، د يو لوستي افغانستان لپاره ستاسې د ملګرتيا په هيله.

    نور رحمان لېوال

  • Liwal Digital School Impact

    Liwal Digital School has impacted the lives of elders, youngsters, male and female in the afghan society. In the video, you can hear the opinions of students, teachers, school masters and home-learners. Pashto TV, Internet and public school, millions of people have had access to education in the country and abroad.

    A businessman in Duabi says,
    Mr. Liwal has established a school in the space for us through its help my old mother has learned my number and telephones me.

    Kabul, Nangarhar and other cities,
    Khallilulah school owner and manger says, Liwal system is very beneficial and recommends its applicability to everyone, listen to more from them in the video.

  • 2009 Liwal Digtial School website launched

    Under Liwal Distance School, first domain was, registred, 24 Feb 2009, later changed to and finally changed to with new name Liwal Digital School.

  • Liwal School App

    New Liwal School App 3.2 released

    On 5 may 2023, Liwal School App 3.2 for android was released, introducing following new features:

    1. App lock, lock school app and restrict access to the school contents only, useful for children.
    2. Auto play audio instructions, during lessons and quizzes, useful in primary classes.
    3. Lesson Quiz, failing quiz is resulting in repeat of lessons.
    4. Teaching Contents download or play online option are solving the issue of slow internet.

    Download app from:

    For Admission visit:

    Liwal Digital School provides tuition free K-12 school for boy and girls worldwide, based on Afghanistan curriculum, for more information please visit:

    2 December 2022, Liwal Digital School App ver 3.0 was released with K-12 teaching contents of Liwal self-learning e-Curriculum and Curriculum of the Afghanistan Ministry of education.

    2016, Liwal Distance School's, Liwal Self-learning e-Curricumum App for KG to grade 3 was released for offline studies.
    2015 Liwal Distance School, Liwal self-learning e-Curricumum App for KG to grade 3 was developed.  
    2012- Liwal Distance School first app was developed by Khusal Khan Liwal for teaching Pashto language and numeracy only.

  • 7 December 2022, Press Release: Liwal Digital School opened, providing tuition free school from K-12 to Afghans world wide.

    As of 2021, literacy rate in Afghanistan is about 37%, that means nearly 26 million Afghans out of 42 million could not read or write. Due to new political changes, nearly two million girls have been prevented from attending secondary school, about 3 million families internally displaced and another million families left Afghanistan recently adding to the millions of Afghans refugees living around the world. In some countries, these refugees have little to no access to school.

    Liwal Digital School is providing a system for these tens of millions of Afghans to self-learn and get formal recognition for their efforts. According to a survey in Khyber Pashtunkhwa 4.7 million children aged 5-16 are not attending schools, 2.9 millions are girls and 1 million of them are living in tribal areas, where majority of them could be Afghans.
    In short, 70% of Afghans cannot go to school due to lack of school, teachers and books or poverty, social, political restrictions and other problems. Liwal Digital School is removing all these barriers. In addition to the above, in Afghanistan, formal education is limited to Madrasa and schools with in person presence only and not utilizing alternative ways such as distance schools, home schools, open schools, virtual schools and dozens of other accepted norms for schooling which further complicates the problem. Liwal Digital School, with the help of technology and modern ways, provide a schooling facility to millions of Afghans in and outside of Afghanistan to learn at any age, anywhere and in anyway, and get official schooling certificate and progress.
    I know, you will be interested to know more about the innovative Liwal digital school, so please visit the school's website and:
    1- Read Liwal Digital School charter at, we will be honored by the coverage of this news in your respected media and will pleased to explain further by an interview.
    2- To see a Live demo of the online classes via internet, please visit
    4- For the Android App, search Liwal School in Google Store
    5- On December 8th, 9th and 10th, we will be live on Facebook, Zoom or twitter Space from 8-9 pm (Kabul time) respectively.
    We seek the cooperation and companionship of all from Allah to continue this holy task, may He help us all, Ameen. For a literate Afghanistan,
    Noor Rahman Liwal,
    Founder and Developer
    Liwal Digital School
    7 December 2022

Liwal Digital School

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